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In the intricate world of electrical components, ensuring secure and efficient connections is paramount. Morek’s Shear Bolt cable lugs and connectors have emerged as a cutting-edge solution for joining aluminum or copper conductors in applications demanding voltage capabilities of up to 12kV or 36kV. These connectors offer a plethora of advantages and adhere to rigorous industry standards, making them a preferred choice for professionals and enthusiasts alike.

Nominal Voltage:
Morek’s Shear Bolt cable lugs and connectors are designed to operate effectively in applications with nominal voltages of up to 12kV/36kV.

Conductor Compatibility:
These connectors are suitable for both copper and aluminum conductors, making them versatile and adaptable to a wide range of electrical systems.

Antioxidation Grease:
The bolts in Morek’s Shear Bolt connectors are treated with antioxidation grease to maintain their performance and longevity.

These connectors have undergone rigorous testing according to IEC61238-1 class A standards, ensuring their reliability and safety. Furthermore, they are proudly manufactured in the European Union, adhering to strict quality and safety guidelines.

Morek’s Shear Bolt cable lugs and connectors represent a significant advancement in electrical connections. With their ease of installation, versatility, and adherence to industry standards, these connectors offer reliable and efficient solutions for a broad spectrum of applications, making them a preferred choice for professionals across the electrical industry.

Shear Bolt Cable Lugs and Connectors

Ease of Installation: Morek’s Shear Bolt technology simplifies the installation process. Unlike conventional connectors that require specialized crimping tools, these cable lugs and connectors can be effortlessly installed using a regular wrench or spanner. This not only saves time but also reduces the need for expensive equipment.

Versatility through Range Taking: One standout feature is the range-taking capability of Morek’s Shear Bolt cable lugs and connectors. They can accommodate conductors with varying cross-sections, reducing the need for an extensive inventory of connector types. With just a few items, you can handle a wide array of conductor sizes, streamlining the selection process.

High-Strength Aluminum Alloy: The Shear Bolt range boasts specially designed aluminum bodies constructed from a high-strength aluminum alloy. These bodies are tin-plated, allowing for compatibility with both aluminum and copper conductors. The tin plating not only enhances electrical conductivity but also bolsters resistance to corrosion, ensuring long-lasting connections.

Precision Torque Breakage: Bolts within Morek’s Shear Bolt connectors are engineered with meticulous precision. They are designed to break at the exact torque required for the optimal electrical connection. This feature minimizes the risk of over-tightening or under-tightening, ensuring consistently secure connections.

Antioxidation Grease: To further enhance their durability, Shear Bolts are treated with a special antioxidation grease. This serves a dual purpose by providing lubrication to the components and shielding against oxidation at electrical contact points. This is especially vital for outdoor installations where exposure to the elements can lead to corrosion.

Watertight and Versatile: All Morek Shear Bolt lugs and connectors are designed to be watertight, making them suitable for both indoor and outdoor installations. They are compatible with a variety of conductor types, including solid, stranded, sector-shaped, and round conductors with plastic or oil-impregnated paper insulation.

Compatibility and Compact Design: Shear Bolt lugs and connectors by Morek are compatible with most termination kits offered by a wide range of manufacturers. Their compact design, especially in larger sizes, minimizes the installation space required, offering flexibility in various applications.

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