An Official Distributor and the Solution Partner of Phoenix Contact

In the ever-evolving landscape of electric mobility, having a reliable partner is crucial. Meet Morek Group, your gateway to a seamless electric vehicle charging experience. In this comprehensive guide, we will delve into the partnership between Morek Group and Phoenix Contact, highlighting how this collaboration is shaping the future of electric vehicle (EV) charging infrastructure.

Powering Up the All Electric Society

It’s no secret that the world is moving towards a sustainable future, and electric mobility plays a pivotal role in achieving this vision. Along with clean power generation, electrical mobility is a key foundation for the All Electric Society. With powerful and intelligent charging technology, we will prepare you for the e-mobility of tomorrow – sustainable, networked, and practical.

Strengthen our product portfolio

Phoenix Contact’s diverse range of solutions, from industrial automation to electrical connections, will complement our existing offerings.

Deliver exceptional value

By combining our expertise and Phoenix Contact’s high-quality products, we are better equipped to meet your unique requirements and deliver superior solutions.

Expand our reach

Morek’s partnership with Phoenix Contact opens up new possibilities for us to serve a wider audience, ensuring that businesses everywhere can benefit from top-tier products and services.
Solution Partner: Morek utilizes the Phoenix Contact product range at critical stages in the development of its electric car charging products.

A Glimpse into Phoenix Contact's Broad Portfolio

As an official distributor of Phoenix Contact components for EV charging stations, Morek Group offers an extensive range of CHARX products for charging infrastructure:

DC Charging Cables for Fast Charging Stations
CHARX’s DC charging cables are designed for rapid DC electric vehicle charging. With compatibility for type 1 and type 2 CCS (Combined Charging System) connectors, as well as GB/T standards for China, these cables can achieve charging powers of up to 500 kW. High Power Charging (HPC) connectors, equipped with cooling technology, allow for quick top-ups of vehicle batteries, ensuring minimal downtime.

AC Charging Cables for Electric Cars
CHARX’s mode 3 charging cables are suitable for AC charging of electric vehicles from all manufacturers. These cables can deliver charging powers of up to 26 kW and come with type 1, type 2, and GB/T connectors. They are not only ideal for permanent installation on charging stations but also for in-vehicle storage. These charging connectors have received numerous awards for their ergonomic design and aesthetics.

Charging Sockets
CHARX’s connect modular infrastructure charging sockets are essential components for AC charging stations and home chargers. These sockets enable mode 3 vehicle battery charging through 1- or 3-phase charging cables, supporting charging power ratings of up to 26 kW. Type 2 AC charging connectors, compliant with IEC 62196 standards, fit seamlessly into these AC charging sockets. The modular system empowers you to customize your home charger or charging station according to your needs.

DC Charging Controllers for Fast Charging Stations
CHARX control professional and CHARX control integrated DC charging controllers offer intelligent solutions for modern charging stations. They adhere to mode 4 fast charging standards in accordance with IEC 61851-23. These controllers communicate with EVs, monitor the charging process, and control parameters like charging current. Remote maintenance is made convenient with cellular modems.

AC Charging Controllers
CHARX’s modular AC charging controllers form the heart of an intelligent and sustainable charging infrastructure for mode 3 electric car charging. These controllers come equipped with comprehensive features and interfaces within a compact, modular housing. They are ready for IoT applications, Smart Services, and Sector Coupling, making them suitable for various charging applications, from home chargers to parking garages.

DC Power Electronics for Fast Charging Stations
CHARX’s power electronics and distribution modules facilitate cost-effective operation of your DC charging infrastructure. This modular and scalable solution supports DC charging with high voltages and currents, extending all the way to High Power Charging (HPC). The distribution module can supply up to 5 fast charging modules with mains voltage.

In the dynamic realm of electric mobility, having a reliable partner like Morek Group, with access to Phoenix Contact’s cutting-edge technology, is a game-changer. With a wide array of CHARX products for charging infrastructure, innovative solutions are at your fingertips. It’s time to embrace the future of electric vehicle charging and join the movement towards a sustainable, networked, and practical All Electric Society. Morek Group and Phoenix Contact are here to lead the way. Get ready to power up!

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Ši patirtis leidžia mums pasiūlyti tikslingus sprendimus, kurie veiksmingai sprendžia problemas, taupydami jūsų laiką ir pinigus.

"Morek Group" regionai

„Morek” siūlo specialiai pritaikytą gaminių asortimentą, kuris patenkina visus jūsų poreikius, susijusius su elektros spintų jungčių valdymu. Naudodami mūsų išsamų sprendimą nebeturėsite gaišti laiko ieškodami produktų iš kelių tiekėjų.

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Atraskite "Morek eMobility" įkrovimo sprendimus

  • Gerai apgalvotas sprendimas montuotojui ir kūrėjui - greitas ir ekonomiškas montavimas.

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